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当前位置:首页 > 校园招聘 > 教职工招聘 > 华南师范大学软件学院面向海内外诚聘教学科研人员公告

发布:2024-06-03 18:11:53  关注:17259次
















1. 引进条件:原则上年龄不超过35周岁,获得博士学历学位。具有良好的学术背景和突出的发展潜力,已取得高质量创新性科研成果。能全英或双语教学。

2. 引进待遇:




























序号 学科专业 备注
1 计算机科学与技术(理论计算机科学、计算机系统结构、计算机软件、计算机网络与安全、人工智能、计算机应用技术、数据科学与大数据技术等);软件工程(软件工程理论与方法、软件工程技术、软件服务工程、领域软件工程与工业软件、群智软件与生态等 1. 对于一类青年英才、二类青年英才、博士后要求能全英或双语教学








三、 时间安排




五、 联系人及联系方式

软件学院黄老师 | 电话:0757-86687822  135 9053 4252,邮箱

软件学院陈老师 | 电话:0757-86687822  135 9068 6486,邮箱

Announcement of Recruitment of Teaching Talents for
the School of Software, SCNU

About the School of Software

The School of Software is one of the first provincial model software colleges approved by the Ministry of Education of Guangdong Province in 2004. The School of Software has talent cultivation systems for undergraduate, postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers. The School of Software participates in the development of two computer disciplines (Software Engineering and Computer Science and Technology) at SCNU, of which Software Engineering of SCNU is ranked 22nd among national universities, 2nd among universities in Guangdong Province, and 2nd among national normal universities in the "2023 Ranking of the Best Disciplines in China by ShanghaiRanking". Apart from that, the computer discipline of SCNU has entered into the top 1% of ESI globally in 2023.

The "Software Engineering" major of the School of Software has a good schooling accumulation and a social reputation for talent training and scientific research. Software Engineering is one of the first "national first-class undergraduate programmes" and a key programme in Guangdong Province, and the software engineering programme has passed the IEET Accreditation (CAC). The School of Software has the R&D base of the Ministry of Education's Industry-University Collaborative Education Project, Guangdong Province "Internet + Education" Cloud Service Engineering Technology Research Centre, Guangdong Province Software Engineering Experimental Teaching Demonstration Centre, Guangdong Province Industry-University-Research Collaborative Cultivation of Excellence in Software Engineer Base, Guangdong Province Intelligent Software Demonstration Industrial College, Guangdong Province "Software Engineering Core Curriculum Group" teaching team and other teaching and research platforms. The School of Software is one of the partnerships of the Ministry of Education (MoE) - Huawei "Intelligent Centre" project.

After more than ten years of meticulous construction and the unremitting efforts of faculty members and students, the School of Software is now running a strong atmosphere, work achievements, and has begun to step into the fast lane of development.

Position Information

1. Outstanding Young Talents

1.1 Requirements: the candidate should not be over 40 years old, has achieved original scientific research results and has been recognised by peer experts, and has reached or has the ability to impact on national talents. Ability to teach full English or bilingual is preferred..

1.2 Rewards

a. Rewards of SCNU. Entering the career establishment, appointment or preference to senior positions, competitive annual salary and rental allowance, scientific research start-up funding based on disciplinary basis and actual research.

b. Rewards of Nanhai-Foshan Campus. The Nanhai-Foshan Campus will provide certain subsidies and scientific research start-up costs according to the actual situation of the work to be carried out by the introduced talents, and the details will be discussed. c. Rewards of the School of Software will be discussed separately.

c. Rewards of the School of Software will be discussed separately.

d. The candidate’s children can apply for admission to the affiliated kindergarten, primary school and and junior high school of SCNU in accordance with the regulations.

2. Type-1 Young Talents

2.1 Requirements: the candidate should not be over 35 years old and have obtained a doctoral degree. Have a good academic background and outstanding development potential, and have achieved high quality and innovative scientific research results. Ability to teach in full English or bilingual.

2.2 Rewards

a. Rewards of SCNU. Thr first-category Young Talent will be appointed as Special Fellows for a period of three years. The candidate will be rewarded with a yearly salary of 320,000 Yuan (including basic wage and annual rewards), and a yearly rental allowance of 24,000 Yuan. The package of salary and benefits will be 344,000 Yuan per year.

b. Rewards of Nanhai-Foshan Campus. The Nanhai-Foshan Campus will provide certain subsidies and scientific research start-up costs according to the actual situation of the work to be carried out by the introduced talents, and the details will be discussed.

c. Rewards of the School of Software will be discussed separately.

d. The candidate’s children can apply for admission to the affiliated kindergarten, primary school and junior high school of SCNU in accordance with the regulations. When housing resources are sufficient, the candidates can also apply for renting interim apartments, but can no longer enjoy rental allowance. Subject to the availability of housing, the candidate can apply for renting interim apartments of the Nanhai-Foshan Campus (no longer entitled to rental allowance).

3. Type-2 Young Talents

3.1 Requirements: the candidate should not be over 32 years old, have obtained a doctoral degree, have achieved good results in scientific research work, and have obvious academic potential and vitality. The 3.Second-category Young Talents are also included in the postdoctoral management of the university. Ability to teach in full English or bilingual.

3.2 Rewards

a. Rewards of SCNU. The second-category Young Talent will be appointed as Special Associate Fellows for a period of three years. The candidate will be rewarded with a yearly salary of 270,000 Yuan (including basic wage and annual rewards), and a yearly rental allowance of 24,000 Yuan. The package of salary and benefits will be 294,000 Yuan per year.

b. Rewards of Nanhai-Foshan Campus. The Nanhai-Foshan Campus will provide certain subsidies and scientific research start-up costs according to the actual situation of the work to be carried out by the introduced talents, and the details will be discussed.

c. Rewards of the School of Software will be discussed separately.

d. The candidate’s children can apply for admission to the affiliated kindergarten, primary school and junior high school of SCNU in accordance with the regulations. When housing resources are sufficient, the candidates can also apply for renting interim apartments, but can no longer enjoy rental allowance. Subject to the availability of housing, the candidate can apply for renting interim apartments of the Nanhai-Foshan Campus (no longer entitled to rental allowance).

4. Postdoctoral fellows

4.1 Requirements: the candidate should not be over 32 years old, have obtained a doctoral degree, and have obvious academic potential and vitality. Ability to teach full English or bilingual is preferred.

4.2 Rewards

a. Rewards from SCNU. The postdoctoral fellow will be employed for a term of 2 years as Special Associate Research Fellow. The total payment is 250,000 yuan per year (including basic salary and annual incentive performance). Postdoctoral fellows who have made significant scientific progress during the appointment period (two years) can apply for a one-year extension with the same treatment.

b. Rewards of Nanhai-Foshan Campus. The Nanhai-Foshan Campus will provide certain subsidies and scientific research start-up costs according to the actual situation of the work to be carried out by the introduced talents, and the details will be discussed.

c. Rewards of the School of Software will be discussed separately.

5. Pre-appointed

5.1 Requirements: the candidate should have obtained a doctoral degree, have strong teaching ability, and meet the recruitment conditions of SCNU and the job requirements of the college. Pre-appointed will sign an employment contract with the university for a period of four years, during which they can be converted to permanent employment through the promotion of senior professional and technical positions.

5.2 Rewards

a. Rewards from SCNU. Salaries and benefits are implemented with reference to the relevant regulations for career establishment of SCNU. the candidate will participate in social insurance such as pension, medical care, work injury, unemployment, maternity and contribute to the housing provident fund according to the law, and enjoy the corresponding rewards.

b. Rewards of Nanhai-Foshan Campus. The Nanhai-Foshan Campus will provide certain subsidies and scientific research start-up costs according to the actual situation of the work to be carried out by the introduced talents, and the details will be discussed.

c. Rewards of the School of Software will be discussed separately.

d. Others. During the employment period, the candidate can apply for renting interim apartments of SCNU and his/her children can apply for admission to the affiliated kindergarten, primary school and junior high school of SCNU in accordance with the regulations.

High-end Representative Achievement Award

The performance results achieved by the young talents during the appointment period will be included in the scope of the high-end representative performance results award of SCNU.

The talents we need are supposed to graduate from the following disciplines or majors:

No. Disciplines or Majors Note
1 Computer Science and Technology (Theoretical Computer Science, Computer Architecture, Computer Software, Computer Networks and Security, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Application Technology, Data Science and Big Data Technology, etc.);
Software Engineering (Theory and Method of Software Engineering, Software Engineering Technology, Software Service Engineering, Domain Software Engineering and Industrial Software, Collaborative Intelligence Software and Ecosystem, etc.).
1. for Type-1 Young Talents, Type-2 Young Talents and Postdoctoral Fellows: the candidate has ability to teach in full English or bilingual.
2. for Outstanding Young Talents and Pre-appointed: the candidates does not required to teach in full English or bilingual, but taking priority to those.

The candidate above, who are successful in their applications, will be joining the School of Software.

1. Work Location

School of Software, South China Normal University (Nanhai-Foshan Campus, South China Normal University, Wanjin Lu, Shishan Town, Nanhai District, Foshan, Guangdong)

2. Application Materials

The candidate is requested to provide a CV, including a list of scientific research projects undertaken in the past five years, published papers (with indication of SCI, EI, SSCI, CSSCI indexes, journal impact factor and number of citations of the papers), and a list of awards and achievements.

The candidate is requested to send the compressed application documents including a CV and relevant materials in electronic format to the designated email address (, with title of the email and attachments as "position types+ candidate name" (e.g: Type-2 Young Talents + Zhang San).

For more information, please visit the School of Software website:

3. Schedule

This announcement is valid for long-term recruitment.

Interviews and trials will be held at a time to be announced.

4. SCNU HR Office website

5. Contact us:

Mr Huang, Tel:0757-86687822, 13590534252, email:

Mr Chen, Tel: 0757-86687822, 13590686486, email:






华南师范大学,简称“华南师大”,是中华人民共和国教育部直属,入选国家“双一流”世界一流学科建设高校 、首批国家“211工程”重点建设大学,入选国家“111计划”、“卓越教师培养计划”、广东省高水平大学整体建设高校、广东省重点大学、中国政府奖学金来华留学生接收院校、国家大学生文化素质教育基地,中国100所首批联入CERNET和INTERNET网的高校之一。